
General & Cosmetic Dentistry

General & Cosmetic Dentistry in4611 N summit st, Toledo, OH 43611

General and Cosmetic Dentistry Services in 4611 N summit st, Toledo, OH 43611

We provide general and cosmetic dentistry services at Point Place Dental care. Dental care services include teeth whitening, bonding white fillings, endodontics, root canal, crown, painless wisdom teeth removal, children dental care and sealants, dentures, bridge, mouth cancer screening and many more.Call us now for more information. We are conveniently located at 4611 N summit st, Toledo, OH 43611

We provide general dental treatments and cleanings to keep your smile healthy


We use bonding , commonly called white fillings, to enhance the look of your smile. Bonding can be used to fill cavities, to correct gaps in teeth, or to cover cracks or discolorations. Since the material used for bonding is able to be matched to the color of your teeth, it gives a natural look to your smile.

The bonding material is made of a long lasting composite resin. After an adhesive gel is applied to the area to be enhanced, the resin is sculpted into place over top. An ultraviolet light is used to harden both the gel and the resin. The filling is then polished, creating a perfect match to your teeth.

Many people choose bonding over the unsightly look of silver amalgam fillings. This type of filling is safe, effective, and can last many years. It is a great choice for a natural and healthy smile.

Endodontics, more commonly referred to as a root canal, is a procedure that is used to remove infected nerves of a tooth that can not only cause pain, but in severe cases damage to the jaw bone. This may cause your infected teeth to become sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks, which may inconvenience your day to day life.

To perform a root canal procedure, the tissue around the infected tooth is numbed with anesthetic for comfort, then the tooth is drilled into to gain access to the nerves. The infected areas are removed and the tooth is cleaned, sealed, and ready to go. Although this may sound painful and scary, with modern advances this procedure can be completed with little or no pain. Over the counter pain medications will help with the days of soreness until the area is all healed up.

A crown covers, or “caps,” a tooth to return the look of it to it’s original shape and size, and improving the appearance of the tooth. Crowns are useful in situations where a tooth is cracked or broken in such a way that a filling won’t be enough to fix it. A crown can be used to hold together a badly cracked tooth, to attach a bridge, protect weak teeth, cover misshaped or discolored teeth, or to restore a tooth with damage too big for a filling.

Dentist Dr. Haffar goal is to create a crown that looks just like your own tooth. He will do this by first taking an impression of your teeth. He will assess the color, bite and shape of your natural teeth. He will then reduce the tooth to be crowned so that the crown will fit over it. You will be fitted with a temporary crown until your next visit, when your newly fabricated crown will be cemented into place.

Crowns usually last about five to eight years. However, with good oral care and hygiene, many crowns will last for a much longer period of time. To best care for your crown, avoid chewing hard foods, and brush and floss regularly along with visiting Dr. Haffar for routine care and cleanings.

With your new crown, your teeth will not only be stronger, but they will also be more attractive, giving you a bright new smile.

Occasionally it is necessary to have a tooth removed, or extracted. This can be due to trauma, disease, or overcrowding. Wisdom teeth are commonly extracted as there is often not enough room for them to grow in properly.

If an extraction becomes necessary, Dr. Haffar will first numb the area around the tooth. Once the area is completely numbed, the extraction is performed. A small amount of bleeding at the extraction site is normal but a clot should form fairly quickly as healing begins.

In the case of wisdom teeth that have become impacted, an anesthetic may be administered. The gum tissue covering the teeth is cut open and the teeth are removed. Depending on the severity of the impaction, sutures may be needed to close the space left behind. In this case you will need someone to drive you home after your surgery, and your recovery will take a bit longer. You will need to rest and to monitor your extraction sites carefully. Gauze pads will be placed on your extraction sites to help to absorb and stop bleeding, and these should be changed regularly until bleeding stops, usually within 24 hours. Avoid hard foods and do not smoke or use a straw for the first few days as you do not want to injure your extraction sites or disturb the clotting process.

For the first few days after any extraction you should gently rinse your mouth after eating. If you have swelling or discomfort, you can apply an ice pack to the area. You may brush and floss your other teeth as usual, but be careful to avoid the area around your extraction.

Be sure to contact us if you experience any difficulty in the healing of your extractions. We are here to help you!

Commonly known as partial crowns, inlays and onlays allow for partially damaged teeth to be restored to proper healthy working function and help protect against any further damage to the affected tooth. After the decaying area of the tooth is removed, a mold is taken and is sent away so a custom inlay or onlay can be made.

There are a number of materials that can be used for you including gold and porcelain, but in the meantime you will be fitted with a temporary. It is very important to be careful while the temporary is in, refrain from eating chewy food because it could cause the temporary to pop off of your tooth. After about two or three weeks you will return and Dr. Haffar will place your custom partial crown onto your tooth and it will be as good as new!

Dental sealants are used to help prevent tooth decay for vulnerable teeth that are used for chewing. These teeth are the molars, which are difficult to reach with a toothbrush to dislodge food which could cause problems. It is best to place sealants on children when their molars first start to come in (5 to 7 years old) so they are protected right from the start. They last for up to ten years and then can reapplied if it is needed, so your and your children’s teeth will always be protected!

A denture is a removable appliance that replaces your teeth when most or all of them are missing. There are two types available. Complete dentures are used when all teeth are missing, and partial dentures are used when some of your own teeth remain.Dentures benefit your health since they make it easier for you to eat and to speak. They also improve your appearance by helping to fill out your face and profile, and replacing your natural look and smile.

There are two types of complete dentures. The first, called an immediate denture, is inserted on the same day that your teeth are removed. This type is nice because you don’t have to be without teeth during your healing period.The second type is the conventional denture. This denture is placed after teeth are removed and gums are completely healed. This can be up to several months.

A partial denture is just like the name suggests. It is used when some of your natural teeth remain, similar to a bridge but removable.

New dentures take some time to get used to. Often they can feel loose until your mouth and cheeks get used to helping to hold them in place. They may feel odd in your mouth and make eating and speaking a bit challenging until you adjust. Once you do adjust to them, they will begin to feel more natural and you will find that you enjoy having the look and feel of your smile back again.

  • Remove your dentures and rinse them before brushing to removes debris.
  • Gently brush your dentures with a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft bristle toothbrush.
  • Also be sure to clean your mouth and gums as well to reduce bacteria and plaque.
  • Place your dentures in a container and keep them covered with water so they do not warp when not wearing them.
  • You will need to continue to schedule regular dental visits so that Dr. Haffar can evaluate the fit of your dentures and adjust them if needed.
  • If you have any questions regarding dentures, call our office and we will be happy to assist you.

A bridge is used to literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A bridge can help to restore your ability to properly chew and speak by distributing the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth, and by preventing remaining teeth from drifting out of position. It will also help to maintain the shape of your face and restore your look and smile.In order to create a bridge,Dr. Haffar will first prepare the teeth on either side of where it will be placed. These teeth are called abutment teeth, and will be used to help hold and anchor your new bridge. They are prepared by recontouring their surfaces so that crowns can be attached. The bridge will be made up of these two crowns, and the new tooth or teeth, called the pontic. Impressions of your teeth are then made, and sent to a dental lab who will use them to manufacture your bridge. In the meantime you will be fitted with a temporary bridge to help protect the area and to improve the overall look. Once your new bridge in ready, you will return to the office to have it placed. It will be checked and adjusted to ensure a proper and comfortable fit for you before being adhered into place.You should care for your new bridge in the same way you care for your teeth in general. Regular brushing and flossing is recommended, as well as an antiseptic mouthwash. A dental bridge can last five to fifteen years and longer with good care and oral hygiene.Missing teeth can not only be unsightly, but can also cause surrounding teeth to move and shift changing the way you are able to eat and speak. A bridge is a great choice for replacing missing teeth for a healthy and attractive smile. 

Your child was born with all of his or her baby, or primary, teeth already formed below the gumline. At around four to seven months old, your baby will begin teething and soon will have that first tooth. By around three years of age, your child will have all of his or her primary teeth. It is important to establish a habit of good oral care from an early age. Babies and children are susceptible to cavities just as adults are, and creating good habits from the start will go a long way towards a healthy mouth and teeth for your child.

Here are some of the ways that you can care for your baby’s teeth and gums:

• Start cleaning before teeth come in – Using a wet washcloth or your finger, wipe your baby’s gums after each feeding to help reduce bacteria from food particles.

• Take care of new teeth right away – As soon as your baby gets a tooth, it has to be brushed. Start by gently brushing with a soft baby toothbrush and water.

• Never send your baby to bed with a bottle – your baby might find it soothing, but pooling milk or juice can allow bacteria to grow and spread.

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